Our Division
Early Literacy
Lakeland Catholic School Division offers a faith-based inclusive Preschool Program for children aged three and four years old. Programs are delivered at our two elementary schools in Cold Lake: St. Dominic Elementary School (Cold Lake North) and Holy Cross Elementary School (Cold Lake South), at École Notre Dame Elementary School in Bonnyville, at Light of Christ Catholic School in Lac La Biche, and at Holy Family Catholic School in Waskatenau.
Preschool with a gentle introduction to French is available in some of our schools - please check with your child's Preschool to see if this is an option.
Ease of transition into elementary school
Faith-based education
Focus on Literacy and Numeracy instruction
Discovery and exploration
Imagination and creativity
Social skills and teamwork
Strong student supports
Safe, respectful and caring school environments
See your local elementary school for their Preschool class schedule.
If you are interested in registering your child in one of our Preschool programs, please contact the school.
You will be required to complete a registration form.
Items you will need to include with your registration form:
Birth Certificate
Canadian Citizen Certificate (if required)
Baptismal Certificate (if Catholic)
Any custody or access agreements
$100 non-refundable deposit (cheque or cash)
We also ask that you bring to the school any assessments that may have been completed on your child. For information regarding assessments and preschool screening, please contact your child's school.
Lakeland Catholic is offering Full-Time Daycare at Light of Christ Catholic School in Lac La Biche and École Notre Dame Elementary School!
Our daycares offer a warm, caring faith-filled start to your child's learning journey!