Support Catholic Education (GrACE)

What is GrACE?

"The mission of GrACE is to inspire, invigorate, and embolden the spirit of Catholic education in order to unite, engage, educate, and communicate with one voice on its behalf."

Show your support for Catholic Education by liking and following the Grateful Advocates for Catholic Education page on Facebook and following them on twitter @GrACE4cathed. 

How Can I Advocate for Catholic Education?

  1. Pray for Catholic Education

  2. Get informed

  3. Receive and pass on the message

  4. Tell your story

  5. Speak with confidence

  6. Start the conversation

  7. Be a positive voice on social media

  8. Ask questions of your elected officials

  9. Support your local Catholic schools

  10. Join your local GrACE group

GrACE Newsletters

Each month, GrACE produces a newsletter highlight Catholic Education news from across Alberta and beyond. 

Below you will find recent, and archived copies of their publication.